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Blog Articles2019-06-10T13:51:47+00:00

Whose Money Is It Anyway?

{3:36 minutes to read} When clients or individuals reach the age of 80-85, sometimes their health is failing. Health care decisions may be made by others (many times the adult children), the appointed health care proxy, or the health care agent. This same adult child/children will also be left in charge of the money decisions. Recently, I had the experience of seeing how that can create a lot of problems.

Reverse Mortgages – An Interview With Warren Goldberg, Part 2

{5:30 minutes to read} In Part 1 [LINK] of our interview with Warren Goldberg, we discuss some of the misconceptions that people have about reverse mortgages. In Part 2, we will go into more depth about the rules surrounding reverse mortgages, such as who can get one, age minimums, and how borrowers can benefit.

Elder Law and Estate Planning: An Interview with Chris Petillo Part 2

{3:48 minutes to read} In Part 2 of our conversation with Chris Petillo, Certified Elder Law Attorney (CELA) and Certified Public Accountant (CPA) with the law firm of Feldman, Kramer & Monaco, P.C, we concentrate on Medicaid and a little-known way to boost your retirement funds using your health savings account:

Reverse Mortgages – An Interview with Warren Goldberg, Part 1

{3:48 minutes to read} Today we are speaking with Mr. Warren Goldberg, from Mortgage Wealth Advisors in Plainview, New York. Continuing the theme from last month, we're going to be talking about retirement and distribution planning.

Elder Law and Estate Planning: An Interview with Chris Petillo Part 1

{3:48 minutes to read} Today, our guest is Christopher Petillo, Certified Elder Law Attorney (CELA), and Certified Public Accountant (CPA) with the law firm of Feldman, Kramer & Monaco, P.C. He is an attorney whose expertise is in the areas of elder law and estate planning.