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Blog Articles2019-06-10T13:51:47+00:00

The Pain of Discipline vs the Pain of Regret

{5:42 minutes to read} Today, I have a very special guest joining us, Mr. Mark Bullock. He shared with me a story that made me think about a concept that I learned many years ago; the pain of discipline versus the pain of regret

Retirement Risks

{1:00 minute to read} In mountain climbing, the goal for most people is to get to the top. The challenge, however, is that once you are at the top, you need to make it back down to the bottom. In the movie Everest, which documents an expedition by a group of climbers, getting down the mountain was truly the challenge. So it is with retirement planning. Once you have reached the retirement goal, will the planning you have done be enough to last? The risks to retirement planning are [...]

The Foundation of a Retirement Plan – – Social Security

{5:18 minutes to read} A very important topic for people as they enter retirement, is choosing a social security filing strategy that is going to help support them during retirement.

Life Insurance Product Spotlight

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month and I urge each of you to take a look at your life insurance. In the August 9 issue of the Wall Street Journal, an article featured a couple of retired school teachers in upstate New York who, years ago, when interest rates were significantly higher, purchased a type of insurance product that was based upon those interest assumptions. Unfortunately, their life insurance premiums went up significantly because of the low interest rate environment that exists now.

Life Happens. Are You Prepared?

{1:00 minutes to read} September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. Other assets that you purchase, such as investments, real estate, or property, get reviewed and managed as a matter of course. But when it comes to life insurance, many times people just buy it, put it in a drawer, and leave it there.