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Blog Articles2019-06-10T13:51:47+00:00

Life Insurance and Irrevocable Trust – The Peanut Butter Cup of Insurance

{1:36 minutes to read} Today I want to talk about life insurance and estate planning for those that can afford it and are insurable. Like peanut butter and chocolate in a Reese's peanut butter cup, life insurance and an irrevocable trust are 2 things that go great together.

Long Term Care Update

{2:36 minutes to read} The long term care business continues to be an area of concern for many people. The problem is worsening because people are living longer and the cost of health care and long term care coverage continues to rise.

Is life insurance a part of your retirement plan? It should be.

{3:12 minutes to read} Today I want to talk about qualified plan accounts as an approach to purchasing life insurance as part of your retirement plan. Qualified plans include: 401(k); Profit-sharing; Money purchase; and Defined benefit plans. As people get older and accumulate wealth, these qualified plan accounts could potentially represent a very attractive way for an individual to purchase life insurance. While an IRA does not allow you to buy life insurance, qualified plan accounts have rules that allow you to pay your life insurance policy premiums [...]

What the Low Interest Rate Environment Means for Your Estate Plan: Life Insurance Premium Financing

{2:30 minutes to read} In a prior blog, we talked about a concept that is still very popular today called life insurance premium financing. Life insurance premium financing is a strategy that takes advantage of a low interest rate environment. It's not for the many, but it's definitely for the few.

What the Low-Interest-Rate Environment Means for Your Estate Plan: Loans to Irrevocable Trusts

{4:10 minutes to read} Going into 2015, we've experienced the continuation of what has been a low-interest-rate environment. While this is a good thing for people who are applying for mortgages, it might not be the best thing for your financial plan when it comes to investing. However, it might be a great opportunity for your estate plans.