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Blog Articles2019-06-10T13:51:47+00:00

The Social Security Explorer

{2:30 minutes to read} Throughout our lives, we're forced to contribute considerable amounts of money into the Social Security system, and then on a given day, we have to decide how we're going to best take the distribution. It's a daunting task. Because of low interest and longevity rates, Social Security is a huge retirement decision for everyone.

Guaranteed Standard Issue

{2:30 minutes to read} Attention business owners, HR directors, and CFOs. As you design your employee benefit packages for the coming year and review your existing plans, we find many times people are treating the disability income insurance as the red-headed step child.

Strategic Wealth Advisors Network

Strategic Wealth Advisors Network is a benefit planning firm, providing the highest level of service to business owners. We have been providing consulting services to corporations and businesses regarding their benefits, for some 30 years.

Life Insurance Asset Management

{1:20 minutes to read} Many people are trying to manage life insurance policies, whether they’re policies on their own life, or policies in a trust for which they are a trustee. You have to make the best policy decisions.

The Golden Years Can Kiss My #$%^

This blog post is rated NC17. Before reading, know that it contains language that could be considered inappropriate and offensive. While we say this with good humor, the reality is people are living longer and longer.