The Guru Is Now a Believer! – In Long Term Care Insurance
Today, I want to introduce a couple of videos by Suze Orman, the well-known financial media mogul. Suze has never been a big proponent of insurance products and long term care, however in these videos she shares her real life experience with her mother who is in need of care that is supposedly costing $25,000-$30,000 a month for home nursing and round-the-clock care.
Protect Your Future
This article from USA Today’s American Life Magazine Highlights the need to prepare for the future, by considering the purchase of Long Term Care Insurance.
Math Is Not Money – And Money Is Not Math!
Years ago most companies would provide retirement plans that guaranteed an income for the rest of your life. These plans were called Defined Benefit Pension Plans and when you retired they gave you a percentage of your income for the rest of your life. Many of these types of pensions have gone away, replaced by a 401K where employees put their money into the stock market for the most part.
Financial Organization – Part 5
Taking care of first things first, our prior blogs talked about the importance of the Protection and Savings levels of the model. In the fifth and last part of our Financial Organization series, we deal with the third level, Growth.
Financial Organization – Part 4
In our last blog, we talked about the logical process of dividing each of the three model areas, Protection, Savings and Growth, into nine sub-areas, or “drawers”. We also listed all the common errors in the 9 Protection Drawers. In this blog, we are going to take a look at the common mistakes in the Savings drawers.