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Have You Protected Your Most Valuable Asset?

{1:42 minutes to read} While we can accumulate money and assets, there is one asset above all others that needs protection. That asset is our ability to continue to earn income. How do we protect it? With quality disability income insurance.

Year-End Tax Planning – – Have You Started Yours?

As 2015 winds down, it is incumbent upon all people to start doing some year-end tax planning. Look at your current situation and determine what is it that you need to do to minimize your taxes. Do the right type of planning in 2015, so when tax time comes, you have the least amount of problems.

By |2016-10-23T00:14:24+00:00November 17th, 2015|Blog, Tax Planning|0 Comments

Retirement Risks

{1:00 minute to read} In mountain climbing, the goal for most people is to get to the top. The challenge, however, is that once you are at the top, you need to make it back down to the bottom. In the movie Everest, which documents an expedition by a group of climbers, getting down the mountain […]

Michael Fliegelman, CLU, ChFC, AEP, CLTC, RFC Founder / President, Strategic Wealth Advisors Network (631) 262-9254 Connect with me Follow me on Please note that the information being provided is strictly as a courtesy. Always confer with your CPA prior to attempting to take any tax deduction. Michael Fliegelman is not a CPA, nor should the contained be considered tax “advice”.

By |2022-01-07T18:30:00+00:00October 21st, 2015|Blog, Retirement Planning|0 Comments

Life Insurance Product Spotlight

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month and I urge each of you to take a look at your life insurance. In the August 9 issue of the Wall Street Journal, an article featured a couple of retired school teachers in upstate New York who, years ago, when interest rates were significantly higher, purchased a type of insurance product that was based upon those interest assumptions. Unfortunately, their life insurance premiums went up significantly because of the low interest rate environment that exists now.

By |2016-10-23T00:20:27+00:00September 25th, 2015|Blog, Insurance Planning, Product Spotlights|0 Comments

Life Happens. Are You Prepared?

{1:00 minutes to read} September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. Other assets that you purchase, such as investments, real estate, or property, get reviewed and managed as a matter of course. But when it comes to life insurance, many times people just buy it, put it in a drawer, and leave it there.

By |2016-10-23T00:21:16+00:00September 25th, 2015|Blog, Insurance Planning|0 Comments

Life Insurance and Irrevocable Trust – The Peanut Butter Cup of Insurance

{1:36 minutes to read} Today I want to talk about life insurance and estate planning for those that can afford it and are insurable. Like peanut butter and chocolate in a Reese's peanut butter cup, life insurance and an irrevocable trust are 2 things that go great together.

By |2019-07-20T06:40:13+00:00September 3rd, 2015|Blog, Estate Planning, Insurance Planning|0 Comments

Is life insurance a part of your retirement plan? It should be.

{3:12 minutes to read} Today I want to talk about qualified plan accounts as an approach to purchasing life insurance as part of your retirement plan. Qualified plans include:

  • 401(k);
  • Profit-sharing;
  • Money purchase; and
  • Defined benefit plans.

As people get older and accumulate wealth, these qualified plan accounts could potentially represent a very attractive way for an individual to purchase […]

Michael Fliegelman, CLU, ChFC, AEP, CLTC, RFC Founder / President, Strategic Wealth Advisors Network (631) 262-9254 Connect with me Follow me on Please note that the information being provided is strictly as a courtesy. Always confer with your CPA prior to attempting to take any tax deduction. Michael Fliegelman is not a CPA, nor should the contained be considered tax “advice”.

By |2016-10-23T15:55:44+00:00July 24th, 2015|Blog, Retirement Planning|0 Comments