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Healthcare and Retirement Planning; an Interview with Peter Stahl Part 2

(3 minutes to read}
In Part 1 of my interview with Peter Stahl, an expert on healthcare and financial planning, and author of the book, Top of the First – The Convergence of Healthcare and Financial Planning, we talked about what should be on the checklist to best prepare for retirement.

As our interview continued, […]

Michael Fliegelman, CLU, ChFC, AEP, CLTC, RFC Founder / President, Strategic Wealth Advisors Network (631) 262-9254 Connect with me Follow me on Please note that the information being provided is strictly as a courtesy. Always confer with your CPA prior to attempting to take any tax deduction. Michael Fliegelman is not a CPA, nor should the contained be considered tax “advice”.

By |2016-10-20T02:27:54+00:00May 18th, 2016|Blog, Retirement Planning|0 Comments

Healthcare and Retirement Planning; an Interview with Peter Stahl

{3:00 minutes to read} Today we're very pleased to introduce Mr. Peter Stahl, author of the book called Top of the First - the Convergence of Healthcare and Financial Planning. Healthcare and financial planning is interesting subject matter as more and more people are approaching retirement

By |2016-10-20T02:41:23+00:00May 12th, 2016|Blog, Retirement Planning|0 Comments

Is life insurance a part of your retirement plan? It should be.

{3:12 minutes to read} Today I want to talk about qualified plan accounts as an approach to purchasing life insurance as part of your retirement plan. Qualified plans include:

  • 401(k);
  • Profit-sharing;
  • Money purchase; and
  • Defined benefit plans.

As people get older and accumulate wealth, these qualified plan accounts could potentially represent a very attractive way for an individual to purchase […]

Michael Fliegelman, CLU, ChFC, AEP, CLTC, RFC Founder / President, Strategic Wealth Advisors Network (631) 262-9254 Connect with me Follow me on Please note that the information being provided is strictly as a courtesy. Always confer with your CPA prior to attempting to take any tax deduction. Michael Fliegelman is not a CPA, nor should the contained be considered tax “advice”.

By |2016-10-23T15:55:44+00:00July 24th, 2015|Blog, Retirement Planning|0 Comments

Big Picture Planning

When we look very closely at things, we sometimes get a distorted view. Let's say we are looking closely at the ground. If we place a level on the ground, we can see that the earth we are walking on is flat. But as we move up and away from the ground, eventually we can start to see that the earth is actually not flat, but is round.

Concerned About Having a Sustainable Retirement Income? Watch this!

I want to introduce our 3-part video series called, Retirement Risks. These videos go into depth on some of the planning that we think is critically important for generating a sustainable retirement income that you can enjoy for the rest of your life. I hope you find these videos useful.

Have You Planned for Your Retirement? Part 2

As outlined in Part 1, given all the factors that need to be considered in order to plan for your retirement, there is really no way to determine what is the exact right amount of money. There are, however, certain things that you can do to position yourself in the best possible way.

Mortality Credits and Guaranteed Income

Retirement planning for people over the last 5-6 years has become a little more challenging than it used to be. People are now more cautious with their money, and their focus on generating guaranteed income for life is becoming a greater necessity.