In order to be introduced to the Leap System® and have a financial consultation, there is NO FEE, NO CHARGE, and NO OBLIGATION. It is easy, enjoyable, and fun. Everyone should have the opportunity to see if they can improve upon their financial position without any up-front costs or charges. In our experience, we found that Americans want the kind of relationship with their financial representative that entails no pressure, no sales hype, no fees, and no predetermined glossy boiler-plated reports. They want an accurate and honest appraisal of their financial situation that is comprehensive and uses a macro-financial model. They also want to participate in the planning and wealth building process. LEAP is made available to you only through a licensed user. Those licensed to use the system are professionals who are confident that the system has the potential to improve upon and protect your wealth building objectives.
Then how do they get compensated?
Leap System licensed professionals provide a valuable service. If you decide to implement any part of your financial program, or need a particular financial product to meet your needs, wants and desires, your financial professional can offer you these various financial products and services. They are compensated by commission when a product or service is purchased, which includes insurance products, life, disability, long-term care and annuities. There is also compensation from the sale of investment products and service. Lastly, there is a fee for a full financial planning engagement. Since there is no obligation, you may or may not select a financial product through your Leap System licensed professional. Their process focuses on wealth building and protection and does not focus on any one particular product. Use of the Leap System does not guarantee any particular result or outcome.
© 2003-2013 Leap Systems, LLC – LS008-LS-R1302 – No part of this page may be reproduced, abstracted, excerpted, transmitted, in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, or photographic, or stored in information systems, except as set forth in writing under a license from Leap Systems, LLC. Any other use is prohibited. LEAP® is a trademark of Leap Systems, LLC.